Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee (CWAAC) - This page is currently under construction 

The Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee is comprised of appointed citizen representatives from partner municipalities. Partner municipalities include the City of Colwood, Township of Esquimalt, District of Highlands, City of Langford, District of Metchosin, District of Sooke, and Town of View Royal. 

The Terms of Reference outlines the Committee's purpose and structure.

Committee meetings will be hosted on an annual rotational basis by the member municipalities; the current member host is the City of Colwood. Meeting will be held in the City of Colwood Council Chambers; members of the public are welcome to join the meetings.  

Meeting Schedule, Agendas, Minutes and Videos


Public Engagement 

In July 2024, the Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee, with the assistance of consultants Changing Paces, conducted a series of seven public engagement sessions to receive feedback on accessibility barriers and solutions in all seven partner municipalities. A summary of the feedback, produces by Changing Paces, can be found below. The feedback received at these engagements sessions informed the development of our initial Accessibility Plan

Community Engagement Report

Two engagement surveys were conducted in 2024. Survey 1 was initiated to understand how to best engage the broader accessibility community. Survey 2 asked respondents for their accessibility experiences respecting each member municipality. The surveys helped inform the facilitated engagement sessions and assisted with the development of an Accessibility Plan for the District. 

Survey 1 Engagement Summary

Survey 2 Engagement Summary